Nov 13 2014

Tackling the Job Hunt

Posted in Employment ResourcesOne Comment

Being Proactive In Your Job Hunt
Be proactive when seeking employment

The military lifestyle, with its frequent moves, can make it especially challenging for military spouses to find employment. This makes it even more important for you to be proactive in your job search!

To be successful as a job seeker—whether you’re a military spouse or not—being proactive is key. This means that you’re creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.

There are many great ways to be proactive, and here are just a few that can help you be a successful job seeker.

Always Apply Right Away

When you hear about a new open position, always apply right away. To be prepared to apply with just a little notice, you should keep your resume is updated and have a list of references as well. It’s always a good idea to make sure that your references know they’re being included on your applications and are able and comfortable providing a positive recommendation of you.

Keep Track of Applications

Another great way to be proactive is to keep track of your job search efforts and companies you are applying to. Keep track of when you applied, if and when the companies contact you, and your follow up efforts.  When you follow up you should call and not just send an email. You want the company to hear you voice with your name.

Use Your Network

The last suggestion is to reach out to your friends, neighbors, and those you associate with.  You want to tell those around you about your job search because you never know if someone you talk to will know of a position.

Imagine if your favorite Broadway show was coming to town. There are only so many tickets being sold, so you wouldn’t sit around waiting to purchase your tickets. You would do everything you can to buy the ticket as soon as you hear about the show. You don’t want to miss out because the show is sold out by the time you get around to buying tickets. The same goes with available positions and your job hunt!

Make the most of your job hunt. Show employers that you are someone they would want on their team by being proactive in your efforts and you’ll be rewarded! Share any ways you've found to be proactive in your job search in the comments below.

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