Dec 10 2014

Balancing School, Work, and Life – Part 1

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As a military spouse you wear many, many different hats, and if you’re thinking about returning to school (or have already taken that plunge), you may be wondering how you’ll possibly be able to get everything done—especially with the holidays right around the corner!

We've pulled together an entire series of suggestions for you! This is just part 1 too—check back next month for part 2.
Realistic Goals and Prioritization

First things first, you have to make sure you’re focusing your energies first and foremost on those things that matter most. Prioritization can keep you sane, and setting realistic goals will help you stay motivated. As you achieve your small goals, you’ll be able to see yourself making progress, which can help you keep pushing forward.

Remember Why You Started

When things get hard it can be tough to remember why you ever thought this was a good idea. Keep you motivation by remembering why you started and believing in yourself. You may even want to put a picture of what you’re working for (your family, extra money, whatever) up in your study area to give you a visual reminder.

Cut Out Everything You Can

It may take a little soul searching, but now is the time to simplify your life where you can. Be honest. If there’s something you’re doing that you used to enjoy but just isn’t as important as something else, it may be time to take a break from that activity for a little while. This is also a good time to practice saying no (where you can) to things like baking an extra batch of cookies for a church auction or hosting book club at your house.

Make Time For You

Leaving yourself as the last priority on your list won’t help in the long run. Though it’s tempting to skip that sweat session in favor of study time or eat a chocolate bar for breakfast because the baby’s keeping you busy, making time to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep will definitely pay off by helping you prevent and dead with stress.

Would you add anything to our list? For more information on each of these strategies, please check out the full article on the Career Step blog. And don’t forget that next month we’ll have part 2!

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