Dec 9 2014

Career Spotlight: Medical Transcription

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 This week we’re pleased to feature a post from Ingrid Fernandez. After several years in different jobs that didn’t make her happy, she found medical transcription and has loved the independence it provides.

medical transcription careerThe challenges you face as a military spouse are not well understood by the rest of the population. The two greatest of these unique challenges are obviously deployment and relocation. It’s hard to deal with your spouse leaving for long periods of time (more so if you are then a “single” parent during that time), and also to deal with moving every 3 years or so. It’s no wonder statistics show that almost 85% of military spouses need or want to have their own careers.

When so much of your life is determined by your spouse’s career, you need something to call your very own. It becomes even more important for you to grow personally and professionally and to keep your own identity, regardless of the changes your family frequently goes through.What you need is a portable career and training you can complete no matter where in the world you are.

The good news is that in today’s high-tech world you have access to quality and affordable online education in several fields. The career I am going to focus on is medical transcription, as that is what I do and what has allowed me the freedom to have a stable career in several countries working for the same company. Medical transcription is the perfect career if you want to train and work from your own home.

Medical transcription is a growing field. Every time a person visits a doctor or a healthcare establishment, an official medical record must be made of the visit. Due to our growing and aging population, medical transcription continues to flourish. It is also one of the only “real” work-at-home opportunities available, affording you the flexibility to schedule your day as needed and to work from anywhere your family is stationed. Because your pay is based on production, you can make as little or as much as you want, depending on how many hours you work and how efficiently you type.

When looking for the best program to get your medical transcription certification, look for an online school that’s curriculum includes medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, grammar and punctuation, pharmacology, real physician dictation, diagnostic reports, and keyboarding. In my opinion, it is also very important to choose a school that provides instructional support and help finding you a job after you graduate—especially since the programs are online. The best part of these programs is that they allow you to go at your own pace. Training can take up to a year and a half, but many people can complete it within 4-6 months by working diligently. It’s in your hands.

I feel so passionately about this career choice that I have developed and dedicated an entire website to help educate people on all things involved in the field. If you want more information, please visit me online at However, if you are already decided and ready to start training, the program I most strongly recommend is Career Step'
s Medical Transcription and Editing program. Their MT course is the most comprehensive one around. Good luck!

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